Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Drama all around

Well, what do we have here? Not one but two recent news stories that are going to get the ol' Bernd treatment! I just posted a blog a couple of days ago after a bit of a break and here I am about to post my second one in the same week. Seems like I'm making up for lost time here.
Anyway, we have two stories. One is on the comedic side, the other one, not so much. Let's take a closer look.

Our first story looks at an incident in Michigan, USA, where a resident dialled 911 after hearing a female neighbour shout 'stop! no!' at what was presumably an attacker and some loud noises in between. Police arrived at the scene only to find out that the woman was simply scolding her boyfriend because he would not stop farting. That's right, farting!

Well, clearly this a big misunderstanding (and an embarrassing one at that) but I have to ask, is the mere act of breaking wind worth getting bent out of shape over? I mean, if that woman's shouts were enough to be mistaken for those of an assault victim then surely she must have really spazzed out on her boyfriend. All because he wouldn't stop farting.
I think she should be properly ashamed of herself. It is natural for human beings to break wind and factors such as weight, health and the food one eats can affect the number of times they have an episode. For her to kick up a racket over something so insignificant is just plain nuts. She could have just simply told him to quit it, she could have told him to go for a walk outside until his digestive system is done expelling air out of his rear end or heck, if it was too cold outside, just told him to sit by an open window until he's done making music. But to kick up a fuss and prompt a 911 call? Wow, talk about melodramatic! It's almost as if she has never farted in her life, let alone been with someone who has.

Well, the woman admitted to police the truth and I'm assuming they left the scene - giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls all the way. Seriously, whoever this woman is, please save the histrionics for a situation that calls for it. You don't want to be the woman who cried wolf, do you? Or in this case, the woman who screamed 'OH MY GOD, STOOOOOOOP!!!!!' over something as trivial as farting.

Ok, onto our next story. According to leaked text messages that were made public, rapper 50 Cent (real name Curtis Jackson) has just disinherited his 16-year old son, Marquise.
Some time earlier this year, Jackson visited Marquise at his home but the boy failed to open the front door. Jackson then texted his son and told him that he was waiting outside, only for Marquise to accuse him of lying. What followed was a heated back-and-fourth text message exchange between father and son, with Jackson calling his son names such as 's**thead', 'mother***er' and 'f***ing stupid'. He also implied at one point that Marquise may not even be his biological son since Marquise's mother, his ex-girlfriend Shaniqua Tomkins, was not totally faithful to him during their relationship and then finally told him 'I don't have a son anymore. Tell your mother she won. I will have nothing to do with you. Don't text me ever again. Delete my number!'
Marquise seemingly kept calm throughout the exchange and at times tried to placate his father, though he did accuse him of not making the effort to visit him enough, never calling him and missing out on birthdays and Christmases.
When I first heard about this story, the first thought that came to mind was 'this is probably fake'. However, Jackson verified the incident on his twitter but then stated that 'Marquise' was actually the Shaniqua pretending to be his son. Despite this, he also stated that he has re-written his will and that his fortune would go to charity.

50 Cent and his son during happier times
 Now that we know it's true I'm just going to say, shame on you, Mr. Jackson. No child deserves that kind of treatment from their parent, ever. And if that really was your ex on the other end of the line pretending to be your kid then why didn't you call her out on it sooner? Why wasn't there a 'yeah, good one girl, I know it's you!' or a similar line during that exchange and why did you still go ahead and exclude your kid out of your will? I know that you've had a long history of getting into verbal wars with other rappers, former business friends, ex-girlfriends etc but I never thought you would turn your wrath on your own son.
I sincerely hope that you both sort out your differences. No parent-child relationship should descend into this.

Well, that's all for now. On the one hand, we had unnecessary drama that wasted everyone's time, then on the other we had some family drama that unfortunately had to be leaked out to the press. Hopefully the affected parties in both stories come through to the other side in one piece.

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