Friday, June 29, 2012

Some people are just too damn sensitive

Okay, people, admit it, there has got to be at least one or two people in your life who gets emotional over the slightest things. Whether it's one (or both) of your parents, your sibling, a friend, a relative or worse, you yourself, there's always that someone who makes a big deal out of silly little trivial things.

You've seen these people in action. When someone accidentally spills a drink on the carpet they go ballistic. When someone is two seconds late for a meeting of some form they blow their lids. When they have to pay an extra five cents for something they go off as though they've lost 90% of their bank account. I could go on all day but you get the picture.

Anyway, for those of you who roll your eyes when these people you know throw a hissy fit over little things (ok, I'm guilty of doing the same. There, I said it), please spare a thought for the 47-year old American man who received a nasty death threat from his cantankerous 72-year old neighbour who threatened to shoot him for.....wait for it......farting. Yes, farting!!!!

Apparently, somewhere in the US the man walked past his neighbour's apartment door and let one rip. The neighbour, who apparently has an intense dislike for anything to do with flatulence confronted the unfortunate soul in the lobby and allegedly told him 'I'm going to put a bullet in your head!' He has since been arrested for making the threat.

Well, what can I say? I understand that breaking wind in the company of others is rude and embarrassing (although let's face it, it's also funny as hell) but is it really something you would threaten someone with bodily harm and/or death with? Seriously, someone should tell this old-timer to chill out! So what if your neighbour had the audacity to release a mixture of gases from his rectum (something that ALL human beings do and is beneficial to one's health) as he walked past your door? It's not like anyone was around to smell it and it's not like he directed it towards your face! But hey, what can you do? This old guy seems like one of those hypersensitive people we discussed earlier. While some people get worked up about schedules, lost items, forgotten tasks and getting things wrong, others like this bloke get worked up about bodily functions that make a funny sound and leave a nasty smell.

I am not advocating for people to break wind whenever and wherever they damn well feel like it. Sure, it's a normal thing but at the end of the day, farting around people and (especially) in closed spaces is seen as offensive and can make a laughing stock out of you. But is it really something for one to get so worked up about that the person who dealt it /supplied it/ fluffed it must be punished with threats of bodily harm or even death? Is the simple act of releasing bodily gas tantamount to stealing something, cheating on a partner or spouse, murdering a family member or any other act that results in death threats directed at the guilty person?

Seriously, some people are just too damn sensitive!

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