Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Labels are no joke, people.

Anyone remember that episode of the classic TV show Friends where the gang take a trip to Las Vegas? Well, two of the characters, Ross and Rachel, ended up leaving later than everyone else and found themselves sharing the same flight. They spent most of it playing pranks on each other and trying to get into each others' heads, and at one point, Ross uses a marker to draw and moustache and beard on a sleeping Rachel's face.

Seemed harmless enough but there was one problem - he drew on her using a permanent marker.

Anyway, this gag came to mind when I read a recent story in the newspaper in which a Brazilian Incredible Hulk fan, Enrique dos Santos, painted himself head-to-toe in green paint to pay homage to his comic book hero. Unfortunately, the product he used was a substance used for ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines and is virtually impossible to wash off.
He tried in vain to wash it off in the shower but it did not work. Only when he got a 24-hour scrubbing from as many friends and neighbours that he could find did the green substance come off.

Well, what can I say? Don't people read labels anymore? Seriously, they do serve a purpose, people! If you are going to use a substance on your skin (and on someone else's for that matter) make sure it is safe to do so! It won't kill you to take a couple of seconds to read warning labels prior to using a product or substance, especially if it is one that you are going to apply onto your body. How would you feel if you slathered yourself with some product only to learn the hard way that you were allergic to it? Yeah, the idea of being covered from head to toe in rashes or something worse doesn't sound like a fair trade.

Warning labels on items are no joke, people. You can roll your eyes at them and sometimes you would be right to do so, but in other instances you will pay for it dearly. So come on, guys. Let's be careful out there.

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