Saturday, March 10, 2012

Never take a good woman (or man) for granted

I was on Facebook recently and a friend of mine posted on her wall, 'never take a good woman for granted. It'll end up being your biggest regret.'
This one got me thinking, 'why do some guys and girls who have great girlfriends or boyfriends throw all that away just for some cheap thrill?' Call me old-fashioned but that just doesn't make sense to me. You chose that person because you love them, feel comfortable around them and feel that 'they are the one' (though that part doesn't always end up being the case) and most of all, they love you for who you are. So why throw them into the gutter, huh?
A guy who has the perfect girlfriend or wife should consider himself the luckiest guy in the world. Lord knows he'd be the envy of his friends and most other guys in general. It baffles me to no end when some of them (I said 'some of them', not 'all of them') decide to abandon her to chase someone else for a meaningless affair and leave their girl heartbroken and wondering why he chose her in the first place. Is it even a fair trade? Fine, you found someone who you think is much hotter and much more exciting than your girl and you 'live a little' so to speak, but most of the time that other woman won't compare when it comes to providing you with love and emotional support. And there's a chance that she just might be into you because of something you've got rather than who you are as a person. All that 'living dangerously' crap gets old very quickly and once that affair is over (let's face it, they never last most of the time), then what do you have left? Chances are your girl would have moved on to someone who will appreciate her more than you ever did and your friends and family will think that you're an idiot who had it all and gave it all away.
Newsflash boys, some of you may think that the idea of cheating on your missus is cool, but deep down people look at you with pity and/or contempt, rather than admiration. Any girl who has self-respect would certainly think so, and when the time comes that you feel like you want to settle down for real, good luck trying to find someone who will take you!
Which brings us to girls. It makes me laugh whenever I hear girls whining about how there are no more 'decent men' left on this world yet they continue going for 'bad boys'. Well what the hell did you expect, ladies? They don't call them 'bad' boys for nothing! Although some of them can be tamed over time, most of them almost inevitably break your heart and don't often look to settle down.
The sad part is, some of these girls have been approached by, or are in relationships with 'nice guys' but end up rejecting or leaving them because they are deemed 'too boring'. Well that's their decision but girls, would you rather be stuck with a 'boring' guy who treats you well and respects you or would you rather go for that other guy who looks tough and mean but has no qualms about breaking your heart and treating you like trash?
I would've thought that these girls would be happy to be with a guy who loves them, takes care of them and makes them laugh. I mean, I keep hearing girls going on about how as long as he is a good guy and can make her laugh then that's all she needs. Apparently for some they'd rather that he was a complete jerk who takes her for granted just so that they can have something to whine about to their friends. It's sad, really.
Another sad thing is that once these girls realise that they want that decent guy, it's too late. To most guys, they'll be seen as tramps who have no self-respect and wouldn't be worth their time. Sounds harsh, I know, but that's just the way it is.
Well, it's not my place to judge people on their taste in partners, but I'm just telling it like it is, as usual. If you want to be with someone who treats you well, then go for it. If you want to carry on some tryst with someone, meaningless as it is and at the expense of an innocent person's feelings, then that's also your choice. If you want to chase someone who makes you feel bad but makes you feel like you're living, then again, it's your choice. Whatever your choice, it wouldn't be fair to take a good man or woman for granted. If you feel that your current relationship isn't working out well, do the honest, decent thing and tell them that you want to break up. It won't be easy, and it could get messy, but at least you won't look like a jerk and a coward.

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