Saturday, July 23, 2011

Weird, weird news

According to recent news a man was recently sentenced to three years in prison for fooling women into looking after him by pretending to be autistic.
The man, 21-year old Mark Richardson, behaved like a child, drank formula, sucked on a pacifier and threw tantrums as part of his act. Somehow, he managed to trick two women into 'babysitting' him, with duties including changing his diapers. Naturally, he was eventually arrested and charged with seven misdemeanour counts of outraging public decency and felony sexual battery, all of which he pleaded guilty to. He had apparently grabbed the breast of one sitter's daughter and in addition to his jail sentence the judge ordered him to register as a sex offender and pay $195 to one of his sitters, who was not paid in full for the so-called sessions.
During his trial, the judge told Richardson that he understood he had issues but that it is a poor excuse for his crime. Richardson for his part told the judge he regretted his actions and intended to get his life back on track.

I really don't know what to say about this. When I first read the article, the first thing that sprang to mind is that this guy's taken the whole single-and-desparate thing way too far. I mean, coming on strong to a woman armed with cheesy pick-up lines is one thing, but to show up to their front doors pretending to be some big kid who needs a carer? That's some seriously creepy behaviour right there. I'm no Barney Stinson, but I know that pulling off silly stunts like this is not going to get a girl to like you. Seriously, what happened to just simply approaching her, get a good conversation going and then asking her if she'd like to go out with you? Keep it simple, people! Realise that creepy and/or absurd behaviour doesn't do anything for your chances with her or for your personal image.

But, all that aside, I also thought that maybe he's just another tortured soul who just wanted attention. Sure, he went about it the wrong way but we all know how desparate some people can get when they crave attention. Whether they are 16-year old 'singers' who marry 51-year old sickos, teenagers who lie about being raped or morons who throw house parties that disrupt the peace and gain national attention, some people would do just about anything to get people to acknowledge them. Sadly for Mark Richardson, the only thing he got out of it is a criminal record and public vilification. What a way to go out, huh?

I guess we can all learn a little something from this piece of weird news, and that is no matter how much you want something or someone, JUST ACT NORMAL. By pulling off idiot stunts like this, not only will you be unsuccessful, but you risk damaging your reputation forever. Not a fair trade is it?

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