Friday, December 14, 2012

Diapers are for BABIES, NOT ADULTS!!!!!!

In the two (mostly) magical years that Bernd has been churning out blogs, he has ran into some pretty weird stories that made news. From madcap celebrity antics, everyday folks committing acts that can only be described as looney tunes, sharing some stories that (hopefully) inspire, your's truly always had something weird and wonderful comment on.

The entry for this blog is no different.

According to a TV documentary that is set to screen in the UK, there are adults that are literally acting like babies, complete with wearing diapers attending fake nurseries accompanied by their spouses acting as their 'parents'. The reason? Because apparently behaving like a child takes the person back to their carefree and stress-free childhood years.

Honestly, I don't know what to say. Sure, there are times when I get so stressed and flustered that I wish that I was a kid again (to all you children out there wishing that you were 'grown up', believe me when I say that being an adult totally sucks and that you should enjoy your childhood years while you still can) but whenever that happens, I watch old TV shows that I used to enjoy, listen to songs that were popular during my younger years, read a comic book, look at the old photo albums - in other words, do things that remind me of those carefree, innocent years just to clear my head. I don't go around trying to squeeze into the clothes I used to wear as a kid, let alone behave AND dress up like a baby. I hate to sound hypercritical but that to me is the type of behaviour that warrants several sessions with a psychiatrist.

And you want to know what the sad part of this story is? Why are these peoples' spouses going through with this game? Pretending to be their other half's 'parents'!? Geez! I thought that part of being married to someone meant that you would look out for each other and make sure that your partner is well. Again, apologies for sounding cruel and judgmental, and no disrespect intended, but anyone who engages in this type of behaviour cannot possibly be all that well.

But, who knows? Maybe it's just another one of those silly 'fads' that are just coming out. Stupid, dangerous acts such as 'planking' and car-surfing became fads at some stage, why not turn disturbing behaviour into a fad? After this one, maybe we can get someone to turn behaving like a wild animal of your choice into a fad?

Seriously people, I understand that the real world can be cruel and that sometimes you just need an escape, but acting in a disturbing and weird manner is not the best way to deal with it. Read a book, watch TV, go for a walk or a run, go on a holiday....THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO COMBAT STRESS!!!!! It's no use trying to deal with it in a manner that could potentially land you behind bars - or in a padded room locked up in a strait-jacket.


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