Saturday, December 29, 2012

Songs that drove me crazy this year.

I've made it no secret that most of the new songs that come out these days annoy the heck out of me, and this year was no different. I understand that different people have different tastes in music and therefore, what sounds irritating to some sounds beautiful to others.

But, as I've done in the past two years, I will now list the songs that I found quite irksome this year. I apologise if I've offended anyone's taste in music but please know that it is not intentional.

1. 'Live while we're young' by One Direction

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the main reasons why Justin Bieber's been getting into a bit of trouble lately is because he's secretly distraught that he has lost some of his creepy fans to the 1D boys.
Anyway, sorry to digress, back to the original topic. I've not heard of these guys until this year, but apparently they've been around since late last year and the song of theirs that I am most familiar with ('What makes you beautiful') also came out last year. Anyway, I found that song to be quite cheesy and annoying and this song 'Live while we're young' is no different. Call it a clash in musical tastes but this didn't do it for me.
And the lyrics 'I know we only met but let's pretend it's love'? OUCH!!!!!!

2. 'Gangnam Style' by Psy

I didn't hate this song. Not saying that I like it but it didn't make me want to kill myself while listening to it, either. If anything I thought it was pretty catchy even if I couldn't understand half of what Psy was saying so I guess you could say that it drove me crazy in a more positive way.
And watching different parodies of the song on youtube was simply hilarious.
Just don't ask me to do the dance. I have two left feet and would struggle to do even this one.

3. 'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together' by Taylor Swift

Two blogs ago, I commented that Taylor Swift's 'I write songs about guys I broke up with' schtick was getting tiresome. This song pretty much convinced me of that.
Aside from the song's rather childish title, to me it lacked that 'straight-from-the-heart' feel that her previous songs had and came across as an immature rant by a stuck-up girl who thinks that all guys are lame.
And Taylor, like I said before, songs like this do more to convince listeners that perhaps you are the reason for your failed relationships rather than the guy you were seeing.

4. 'Star Ships' by Nicki Minaj

I know that this song came out last year but I didn't hear it until the beginning of this year so I will count it in my list of annoying songs for 2012.
I don't even know where to begin. The first time I heard this song on the radio, it wasn't even 1 minute old before I started to feel a shooting pain in my forehead and my eardrums start to bleed. Too loud, too garish and Minaj's delivery is absolutely ANNOYING!!!! Seriously, what's with the different voices and the weird accents? If I wanted to listen to a multi-voiced rapper I'd personally convince Robin Williams to put out a rap record. At least it would be funny rather than irritating.

Well, there you have it. Another year, more songs that made me want to smash the radio (well, at least 3 of them did).
I wonder what 2013 will bring?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Diapers are for BABIES, NOT ADULTS!!!!!!

In the two (mostly) magical years that Bernd has been churning out blogs, he has ran into some pretty weird stories that made news. From madcap celebrity antics, everyday folks committing acts that can only be described as looney tunes, sharing some stories that (hopefully) inspire, your's truly always had something weird and wonderful comment on.

The entry for this blog is no different.

According to a TV documentary that is set to screen in the UK, there are adults that are literally acting like babies, complete with wearing diapers attending fake nurseries accompanied by their spouses acting as their 'parents'. The reason? Because apparently behaving like a child takes the person back to their carefree and stress-free childhood years.

Honestly, I don't know what to say. Sure, there are times when I get so stressed and flustered that I wish that I was a kid again (to all you children out there wishing that you were 'grown up', believe me when I say that being an adult totally sucks and that you should enjoy your childhood years while you still can) but whenever that happens, I watch old TV shows that I used to enjoy, listen to songs that were popular during my younger years, read a comic book, look at the old photo albums - in other words, do things that remind me of those carefree, innocent years just to clear my head. I don't go around trying to squeeze into the clothes I used to wear as a kid, let alone behave AND dress up like a baby. I hate to sound hypercritical but that to me is the type of behaviour that warrants several sessions with a psychiatrist.

And you want to know what the sad part of this story is? Why are these peoples' spouses going through with this game? Pretending to be their other half's 'parents'!? Geez! I thought that part of being married to someone meant that you would look out for each other and make sure that your partner is well. Again, apologies for sounding cruel and judgmental, and no disrespect intended, but anyone who engages in this type of behaviour cannot possibly be all that well.

But, who knows? Maybe it's just another one of those silly 'fads' that are just coming out. Stupid, dangerous acts such as 'planking' and car-surfing became fads at some stage, why not turn disturbing behaviour into a fad? After this one, maybe we can get someone to turn behaving like a wild animal of your choice into a fad?

Seriously people, I understand that the real world can be cruel and that sometimes you just need an escape, but acting in a disturbing and weird manner is not the best way to deal with it. Read a book, watch TV, go for a walk or a run, go on a holiday....THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO COMBAT STRESS!!!!! It's no use trying to deal with it in a manner that could potentially land you behind bars - or in a padded room locked up in a strait-jacket.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mate, are you serious!?

According to recent news, health workers in northern New South Wales have recently been slapped with a ban on referring to patients as 'mate', along with other terms of endearment such as 'honey', 'sweetheart' and 'darling'.

Apparently, this was a response to complaints from a few patients which prompted a request from staff to maintain a more 'professional' relationship with patients.

Ok, I will admit it now, but Big Bad Bernd gets nervous whenever he has to visit a doctor or a hospital, even when he is not a patient. I don't know why - I guess I just have trust issues seeing as how doctors are only human and therefore are capable of making mistakes and let's face it, being told that there is something wrong with you or that you'll need to be knocked out and then sliced and diced so that they can rectify whatever it is that is causing you grief is not exactly fun. Therefore, whenever I go to the doctor it would make me feel more at ease if they called me 'mate' or 'buddy' just to show that they mean well and that everything will be ok. It's a lot more comfortable than being given an ice-cold stare and a monotonous voice outlining what is wrong with you and what they are going to do to you to correct the problem. You might as well be sitting in a courtroom before a judge and told that you will be locked up for a long time or worse.

Ok, I understand that there are some people who don't take too kindly to such terms. They may find them immature or downright condescending. Therefore, don't use the term on them right away. Get to know the person first and establish some sort of rapport before you try to befriend them. That way, you'll know whether or not they want the 'friendly' doctor or the 'ice-cold' doctor.

So, to those out there who sent that memo, Bernd understands perfectly where you are coming from, but he thinks it is a little too extreme to ban all health workers from trying to be friendlier and approachable towards their patients. I'm sure that not all patients are against it, heck I'm sure that most of them quite like it. So rather than impose a ban why not just encourage them to choose their audience carefully. That seems a lot less tyrannical.

In other words, 'take it easy, mate!'

Quick take:

When Taylor Swift burst into the public eye some three years ago, I had nothing but high praise for her. It would've been an overstatement to call me a fan, but I thought she was cool. I mean, she writes songs that come from the heart, has a decent voice, loves her fans and projected a wholesome, down-to-earth image.

Unfortunately, that was then and this is now.

I don't know about you, but her whole 'I date boys, break up with them and then write songs about them' shtick is not only getting old, but it is getting quite irritating. It has gone to the point that I am starting to wonder if maybe the problem in her relationships is her and not the poor guy who is being shamed in her increasingly-annoying 'he-was-this-and-that-and-so-it-couldn't-last' songs.

Anyway, she was in the news recently over allegations that her relationship with UK boy band One Direction's Harry Styles is tearing him and his bandmates apart.
It all began when Styles ditched his bandmates to fly from New York to London on Swift's private jet. The rest of his band had to fly separately, were then mobbed by fans upon arrival at Heathrow airport (during which one of them was injured as a result of the chaos) while he and Swift arrived unnoticed and got away unharmed.
Since then, a rift has formed between Styles and his bandmates and fans are now branding Swift the new 'Yoko Ono'.

Well, what quite a turnaround for poor Taylor, isn't it? Three years ago she was the darling of the pop music genre (I'm sorry, but she never struck me as a 'country artist', she always seemed more 'pop' to me) and now, she starting to ruffle feathers. Oh boy, could she soon be headed towards the same, dreaded 'everyone's darling today, everyone's figure of hate' place in which Delta Goodrem now unhappily resides?

I guess we'll find out soon enough. Taylor, you have been warned.