Friday, February 24, 2012

Be Nice, Boys!

Anyone who's been reading the many entertaining, fascinating, thought-provoking (I hope!) offerings of yours truly will see that I can sometimes be a tad prickly. I've criticised celebrities (it's not out of jealousy! Honest!), called out people on their stupid behaviour, didn't hold back when it came to contentious issues in society and genuinely have no problem being a straight-shooter who 'tells it as it is'.

Having said that, I do believe in chivalry and I don't believe that it is totally dead as some people suggest. Apparently, last Wednesday (besides being Ash Wednesday) was International Be A Gentleman Day in which all men were encouraged to be well-mannered. According to editor Jamie Watt, acts of chivalry can still make a difference. While it's true that in today's world women can out-earn men, men still want to be known as 'the provider' and Watt claims that being chivalrous gentlemen is a part of that as it shows women that they care. 'Ladies need to be treated like ladies, not just on special occasions but all the time,' says Watts.

Besides, according to Watts, being chivalrous makes a single guy look good!

Well, I like to think I'm chivalrous. I do open doors for women, I let them step ahead of me when I'm getting onto a train, elevator or escalator, and also let them move ahead of me in a shopping line or movie line if we arrive at the counter at the same time. Sure, sometimes they grab the opportunity and don't bother saying thanks (You're welcome!) but most of the time, they look up, smile and say 'Thank You!' They do care, guys. Chivalry isn't dead.

Having said that, there have been times when I've thrown chivalry out the window. You know, rudely rushing past them, not bothering to hold doors open for them, not apologising for accidentally bumping or scraping them etc. Well, sometimes people make mistakes but most of the time, it's because I was in a rush to get to places, was on the verge of being late for work or missing the train or, *ahem!* needed to use the restroom. Ladies, for all those times that I've acted like a careless brute, I am sorry.

Well, that's it. Forget about this talk of chivalry being dead, it's very much still alive. Some guys just can't be bothered to apply it. So come on, guys, whether it's opening doors, allowing them to move ahead of you or giving up your seat, it's ok to show her that you are well-mannered and that you care. It will also do wonders for your image and your soul.

Man up and be nice, boys!

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