Monday, January 9, 2012

Well, that's one way to lose your job!

I read a story on the internet today (9/01/2012) in which an employee at a New York pizza chain called Papa John's was sacked over a racist receipt.
Yeah, the first thought that came to mind upon finding the article was disbelief. 'How can that be?', I asked myself. I read the article and as it turned out, the employee had taken Minhee Cho's order and handed her a receipt referring to her as 'Lady Chinky Eyes'. Ms. Cho took to Twitter to post a picture of the offending receipt and vent her anger (as one usually does these days) and as a result, Papa John's was forced to issue an apology on Twitter and Facebook and immediately fired the idiot employee.

This story seems to be another one of those dumb 'pranks-gone-wrong' type of stories, but there may be other reasons the employee did such a thing. Maybe they were sick of their job and looking for a way out (because apparently quitting is soooooo five years ago), perhaps Ms. Cho was rude to them and so they decided to hit her where it hurts, maybe this person is racist etc. But however you slice and dice it, this is a stupid way to lose your job. Even if you don't want it and feel like breaking free, what's wrong with just quitting!? It sure is a far more dignified way to go out! And if you're the type who is short on references in your resume, you'd better get down on your knees and pray that your former boss doesn't tell future employers that you are dumb, immature and racist.

And if it is indeed a prank that went horribly wrong, well what can I say? You goofed around on the job and you paid the price. Nice going, bud. If you want to play pranks on people while on the job (not that you should be, but I understand how boring work can be) then make sure that a). You don't hurt yourself and others, and that b). The outcome will not cost you your employment. Yeah, it's not as easy as it sounds, people!

Well, whoever that employee was, I wish him or her the best of luck. It's going to be pretty tough finding another job now, unless they have other references who won't tell future employers about their mistake. And if there's one lesson you can take from this wretched tale of stupidity, it's that you have to think before you act. Oh well, gotta go. I got work to do!

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