Saturday, March 26, 2011

People need to move on

When I read that singer Chris Brown threw a temper tantrum following an interview on Good Morning America sometime last week the first thought that sprang to mind was 'Oh no, here we go again!' As we all know, Brown assaulted then-girlfriend Rihanna in early 2009, causing her to miss the Grammys and tarnishing his reputation, seemingly for good. He managed to turn all that around, doing well in domestic violence classes and getting his career back on track, but then came that interview. During the interview, TV anchor Robin Roberts grilled him about his assault on Rihanna. Brown remained calm, stating that he had moved on but deep down he was fuming. He let it all out in his dressing room after the interview, when he ripped off his shirt, broke a window and confronted a producer, security and other staff members before storming out of the studio.

Ok, I don't condone the stuff he's done in the past, but people need to let him move on. He's already apologised for what he did, he served his punishment and just got his life back on track. Why bring that stuff up again!? God knows that I would get mad if people kept reminding me of the stupid things I did in the past over and over again. I think Brown made himself pretty clear on Twitter, stating that 'I am so over people bringing this past shit up! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for their bullshit.' He took the message down minutes later and instead thanked his fans for their support. He does have a point. Sheen has done worse than Brown. Not only did he assault his wife, but he also put his kids' lives in danger, disrespected the creator, producers and co-stars of the TV show that made him millions and continues to behave like an idiot, humiliating himself and his family in the process, yet we don't crucify him for showing no remorse for his sins.

Maybe people are never going to forget the crime. After all, violence against women is a pretty serious offence. But provoking a guy with a known anger problem and causing him to snap is a pretty sick thing to do. Also, what about Rihanna? She's clearly put the incident behind her and bringing it up is not only a slap in the face for Brown, but also for the victim herself. Yes, it was a disgusting act on Brown's part and shame on him for doing it, but he's done his time and now it's time for us to let him move on. Just one piece of advice Chris, the Dennis Rodman look does not flatter you one bit. Blonde hair and tattoos, what the hell were you thinking!?

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