Saturday, November 6, 2010

Joel Monaghan, the NRL and acts of extreme idiocy

There are many ways to lose your job. Breaking things, misbehaving, bullying others, talking crap to your superiors, slacking off...there's quite a lot you can do to get fired.

Thanks to Joel Monaghan, we now have another act that you can add to that list.

Simulated bestiality.

You see, during the week, a photo of Canberra Raiders player Joel Monaghan made the rounds in twitter, showing him in a sexual position with a dog. The photo was believed to have been taken during the Raiders' 'Mad Monday' celebrations and there is the possibility that Joel was drunk at the time. The photo found its way to animal welfare groups and then to the Raiders' CEO Don Furner. The club will now investigate the matter, and there is a possibility that Joel can face the sack.

Before I get into this 'tragedy', I must ask what kind of friends does this bloke think he has? With friends like these, who needs enemies? Anyone with a grain of sense knows that images such as this will offend many people, not just animal welfare groups, and yet these knuckleheads had the nerve to release the pics and ruin their mate's reputation.

Ok, got that out of my chest. It's time to lay in on this story. Clearly, this is another 'own goal' for the NRL. Ever notice how whenever NRL players run afoul of the law it's usually due to the most disgusting, most despicable, most IDIOTIC of crimes? Ok, athletes are only human and they will make mistakes like normal people. Stories about athletes being busted for DUI's, adultery, drugs and assault is pretty common. Getting into trouble for unsettling sex acts, weapons charges, gang activity and other illegal activities is a little more disturbing.
But with NRL stars, it's everything I've mentioned and a lot more, usually on the zany side. I'm talking over-exposure, giving random strangers 'golden showers' at clubs, setting people on fire, using walls and street corners as urinals, using hotel corridors as potties, and now, it seems, zoophilia. I'd say that maybe it's because these blokes have to take heavy hits to the head and body during games, but if brain damage is the reason, then a). why are they still playing and b). why is it that you don't hear about combat athletes doing the same things?

Maybe alcohol's to blame. After all, most of the NRL 'crimes' I mentioned above were alcohol-fuelled and intoxication usually leads to acts that you'd rather forget and the same can be said of NRL players. Like I said before, they're only human. So I guess you can make the argument that perhaps NRL players should be banned from drinking right? Wrong. Can you just imagine the mutiny that would occur if these blokes were kept away from their booze? They may be professional athletes but trying to keep a man from his booze is like trying to take a bone away from a dog. Instead, I reckon that they should be given a lesson of self-discipline and correct conduct. Let them know that if they want to go out drinking, getting drunk and behaving like animals is NOT an option. They're supposed to be professional athletes, for crying out loud! They're not supposed to be getting wasted while season is in play.

Also, these guys need to be aware that kids look up to them and so it is their duty to make sure that they present a respectable image. Can you imagine a kid running up to their parents and telling them that they want to be just like that bloke in the news who got drunk, pissed on someone, assaulted his partner, took a dump in a hotel lobby and then ran through the streets naked after fondling a cat? Not the ideal role model aint they? Hence, they should be made aware of this fact. And unless they're stupid, it should sink into their heads.

Finally, reminding them once in a while that they are representing their club and their league and therefore it is up to them to treat it with respect. How the hell is it going to look to the fans when their favourite players are acting this way? I had a conversation with a couple of friends at work on this story, and one lamented that Joel was his son's idol and so couldn't believe that he'd do such a thing, while my other mate told me bluntly that Joel had better start looking for a new line of work.

This is not to say that all NRL players are scum. Some guys like Nathan Hindmarsh, Brett Kimmorley, Ben Hannant, Jarryd Hayne and Hazem El Masri treated the game and themselves with respect. But for guys like Joel Monaghan who think it's funny to do what he did and other acts of idiocy, it's time you guys took a long hard look at yourselves and what you've done and ask yourselves if it's worth it. Would you rather be remembered as a great player who treated the game with respect, or as a great player but an even greater dick head?

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