Sunday, September 30, 2012

You crossed the line, mate.

I couldn't care less about politics and I will admit I am no big fan of Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
Not only did she lie and backstab her way into her position, but upon getting there she broke promises, brought the Australian Labor Party down, proved to be extremely unpopular as PM, came across as a try-hard and made the general public cringe with her excruciating, monotonous speech patterns.

Ok, you get the picture. I'm not a particularly big fan of her and I find her annoying and embarrassing. But that said, she didn't deserve the cruel comments directed towards her by radio broadcaster Alan Jones, who stated that Gillard's father, John, had died earlier this month from 'shame' thanks to the lies his daughter told.

His comments sparked controversy and there were calls for him to be sacked. Advertisers and sponsors of his station also threatened to walk away. He tried to apologise for his insensitive remarks but his efforts were deemed insincere and self-serving. He also offered to call Ms. Gillard to offer a direct apology but his request was denied.

Talk about a low blow. Gillard is not perfect by any means but this was completely unwarranted. It's one thing to express disdain for a person, but to bring their family into it, especially one that had recently passed away? Yeah, well played Alan. Way to add another shameful feather in your cap.

This isn't the first time Jones has put his foot into his sizeable mouth. First of all, he has criticised Gillard in the past, even ranting that she and Greens leader Bob Brown should be dumped into a bag and thrown out far into the ocean.
Among other things he has also been accused of defamation, made racist comments at an Australian Aborigine who was named Australian of the Year in 1993, the whole 'Cash for Comment' debacle, was charged with contempt of court on a few occasions and played a role in sparking the infamous 2005 Cronulla Race Riots.
Clearly the man has made an idiot of himself on several occasions. He's only human and no one is perfect but clearly he just doesn't learn and his latest comments about Gillard prove that.
I guess he can rest easy, though. Many people have called on him to be sacked for years but here he is, all 71 years old of him, still on the air.

I sincerely hope you learn your lesson this time and start thinking before you speak, Mr. Jones. I understand that you don't hold Ms. Gillard in the highest regard, I should know seeing as how I feel the same way, but the recent comments you made about her are unacceptable and deplorable to say the least. You crossed the line, mate. And if you're sitting there crying and wondering why she won't return your call, all I can say is that you got what you deserved. Put yourself in her shoes. Would you be willing to talk to someone who insulted you by talking smack about your deceased loved ones? I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!