Friday, December 31, 2010

Songs that drove me crazy this year

Ok, it's the end of the year and once again, everyone is discussing what's been the best songs on the radio this year. That's all well and good, but what about the other end of the spectrum? What about giving a shout-out to the songs that make you want to tear your ears off? Here are, in my opinion, the five worst songs I've heard all year.

Note: This list is based on my opinion only and is not meant to offend anyone.

1. 'Alejandro' (Lady Gaga)

Let my just start off by saying that I have nothing against Stefani Germanotta. She writes her own songs, she dresses however she damn well feels like and isn't afraid to speak her mind. And I'll also admit that I do like some of her songs. That said, Alejandro isn't one of them. I understand that she wants to add some Spanish flavour to her music, but this was not the way to go. In my opinion, she sounds like a try-hard. When I first heard this song the first thoughts that came to mind were 'What's with the fake accent, Gaga?' and 'Ok, are you actually in love with Alejandro, Roberto or Fernando?' Plus, I heard that the music video was tasteless.

2. 'Baby' (Justin Bieber)

Depdending who you ask, this song is either catchy or irritating. I tend to go with the latter. It's a good thing that the radio didn't play this song much because seriously, every time I hear it I just think 'Yeah, like people are supposed to find the idea of a six-year old boy lusting after a girl heartwarming'. What's that you say? HE'S SIXTEEN!!!??? Wow! Could've fooled me! Even Ludacris' appearance didn't help. And can I just say, if Justin and Miley Cyrus were to ever do a duet together, I'd have a hard time trying to figure out who the male or female voice is.

3. 'The Time' (Black Eyed Peas)

The Peas are usually good with fun, catchy hip hop songs but this one missed the mark. How this abomination made it to the top of the charts is beyond me. It's bad enough that it has pretty lame lyrics and generic beats, but to massacre a classic? Sheesh! Gen X'ers probably fume while listening to this turkey! Who could forget that irritating chorus? 'I've (i've)...had...the time of my li-i-i-fe...and I've never felt this way before (fore)...And I swear (swear)...this is true (ue, ue)....And I owe it all to you, you, you, you....dirty bit!...dirty bit!' No wonder many critics decided it was the worst song of the year. To make it worse, this was one of the most over-played songs of the year. Someone change the station!!!

4. 'Cooler than me' (Mike Posner)

Okay, I love a good 'you're such a stuck up bitch it's pathetic' type of song, and the lyrics are hard-hitting and honest, but the tune and the delivery lets it down. Sure, some people might find it catchy and upbeat, but come on! This guy's supposed to be telling a girl that he's okay with her thinking that he's not worth her time because he knows just what a big snob she is. Shouldn't he be more aggressive and assertive with his delivery, rather than soft and wussy? If you delivered a similar message to a person in their face like this they'd probably laugh at you. If you want to hear a 'f**k you' style song delivered as brutally as possible while managing to stay upbeat, I suggest listening to Cee-Lo Green.

5. 'Blah blah blah' (Kesha)

'Zip your lips like a padlock'. Just a lyrical sample from this dud. The problem with Kesha is she tries to pull off that whole 'I am who I am and I don't care what you think about me,' but unlike Lady Gaga and Katy Perry she just sounds annoying. I mean, all her songs sound the same. You know the kind: Background music that sounds like an annoying mobile phone ringtone, sing-songy rap style that sounds autotuned, the same old themes about partying, gettingwasted (usually on Jack Daniel's) and wanting to have sex with some random guy over and over again. But out of all the 'hits' she's churned out, this is easily the worst. The title alone is uninspiring. And as for the lyrics...a two-year old can come up with more poetic lyrics than this. As far as I'm concerned, Kesha could go and dance in the club with no pants on and down one bottle of Jack after another while cranking up the jukebox if she wants. Just leave the rest of us alone!